
phil - 教會公告 | 2013-04-23 | 點閱數: 1371

認識恩友/行善恩友手冊  已於本月出刊,有興趣的可至各教會索取!

2003 年成立的基督教恩友中心,以福音為主從事行善救濟。
中台灣的台中、豐原、彰化、南投。南台灣的嘉義、台南、中華、前鎮、三民、小港、鳳山、東港等23 地設立教會。從事下列事工:

一、 免費供餐:對社會邊緣人提供每日免費兩餐或便當。
二、 無居收容:收容老殘貧、失業及遺棄兒童。
三、 貧寒救濟:以物資定期從事社區及農村貧窮救濟。
四、 義診聯盟:成立「恩友義診聯盟」讓卡債族或被鎖卡貧病者,在全台各地都可免費看病。

本會存在意義,乃以「行善」證明「神愛世人」,知道困難時求救於   神,讓 主  耶穌:窮人有福音傳給他們的教導能行在台灣。若有感動可以襄助我們,使行善事工更上層樓,如經上所說:憐憫人的人有福了,因為他們必蒙憐恤。」

願 神賜福您

李政隆 執牧
謝冠雄 長老 敬上

The Grace Home Church was founded in 2003 to share the gospel with the poor and homeless with a variety of charitable services.
are currently 23 facilities all over Taiwan. Below is a listing of the various services provided to the poor, all free:

1. Food: Two meals a day are provided at each facility.

2. Shelter: Facilities have a place for men, women and children to
stay for free. The types of people housed include the poor elderly, handicapped, orphaned and the jobless.

3. Goods and Resources: Poor people in remote areas are helped with free goods such as rice and other foods. Resources provided include assistance with the purchase of school study materials for poor children.

4. Medical Service: “Grace Home Free Clinics Association” was founded to offer free medical care for people in dire financial situations, and have no medical insurance coverage.

5.After School Care, Tutoring and Scholarships:
In Taiwan, public school funding ends in middle school.
Grace home helps poor families by providing money for their children to continue to attend school and stop the chain of poverty. Further, after school care and tutoring enable poor working parents to provide for their children’s safety while helping them with their homework.

6. Prayer and Worship: Each location offers daily and weekly opportunities for prayer and worship. Participation is voluntary, not an obligation.

The goals of “Grace Home” are to let people know the love and help offered by the Lord Jesus Christ and to “preach the good news to the poor”. (Luke 7:22). Therefore, this booklet outlines each location and its  functional ministry. This ministry welcomes your help. The Bible says:
“Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy”.
God Bless You and Yours

Pastor Lee, Zheng-Long
Deacon Chaplain
Elder Hsieh, Edward
Grace Home Church Association
